Full-Stack Software Engineer at McKinstry (June 2016 - May 2019)
Team Structure & Dynamic
I get asked a lot about the structure and dynamic of the team I was on.
- I was the first developer / computer science major on the team.
- I was the only full time developer on the team.
- I wasn’t the only one who knew how to code (many engineers, analysts, and project managers know how to write simple scripts in Excel and Word).
- I wasn’t the only software developer at the company (there were a few other devs, but they had their own, independent projects).
- We were allowed to hire an intern, so I chose a few best matching resumes and interviewed them.
- I planned out a project with stretch goals so that we could go at a pace they were comfortable with.
- They had to return to university after a few months, making this the only time there was another dev.
Many Roles: Product Co-Owner / Founder
- Project planning, documentation, management
- UX/UI design
- Presentations, workshops, and classes
- Essentially, as I saw problems / opportunities arrise, I prioritized & acted on them.
- After the project grew beyond engineers and reached other branches of the company, the branding & design group became interested and involved in the main design of the site.
Summer Intern: What Happened & Lessons Learned
I’m overall satisfied with how it went. There were things I would change, but things I think I would keep the same because they provided the runways and flight path for the entire project.
The Project: What I Created
- Migration of Excel-based data entry, storage, business code, and management to an in-house entity framework for big data, with a web front-end.
- Developed an enterprise-level, database centered infrastructure with ASP.NET, C#, SQL, JavaScript, and Python that is accessible - via website or existing tools via plugins
- Developed standard practices with regards to building data management for teams and managers